About Review Services

10:15 PM Posted by admin

This blog provides help in making review for blog/website owner to promote their online business, to build site links, and of course for Search Engine Optimization needs. As we all know, The more websites that point their links to a certain blog/website, the better.

Besides that, this blog also provides services for people who needs help in making posts for paid review programs. I just asking you (website/blog owner) for $2 for each posts that I make, the post will be done as soon as possible, it depends on job difficulties, the number of words, and the amount of jobs that I received. Mostly it takes 1 day at the latest to be done (today offer, tomorrow will be done). Payment is via PayPal (paypal account: review_services@yahoo.com), pay in advance. For Indonesian customer I have an option to pay through BCA (Bank Central Asia - 0272103133 - M. Fahmi Al-Bachtimi).


  1. Anonymous said...

    Goodluck broo..
    semoga lancar bisnis service reviewnya

  2. Anonymous said...

    Wuiiiih,...Mantab nech....

  3. - s L i K e R s - said...

    Wah $2 ya? Kebetulan saya juga buka jasa buat review cuma $1 loh, hehehe...

  4. Anonymous said...

    boljug nih idenya.... btw, kalo dah nge review postnya dipasang di blog yg mana?

  5. Anonymous said...

    semangat bung!

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